Vista school

To ensure that we can provide the best possible care and support for your child while they are with us, we kindly request that you inform us of any special educational or medical needs they may have. Your child’s safety and well-being are of utmost importance to us, and having this information will allow us to take appropriate measures and make necessary accommodations.

Please be assured that all the information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality and will only be shared with those individuals who need to know in order to support your child effectively.

The more detailed and specific the information you provide, the better we can cater to your child’s needs and create a safe and inclusive environment for them. Please feel free to attach any relevant documents or reports that may aid in understanding your child’s requirements better.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s well-being and development. Your cooperation in providing this essential information is highly appreciated.

Kindly indicate if your child has any of the following conditions:

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